Calculating Your Rates

There are basically two ways  in which most  freelancers charge for projects. The traditional method of a “per project” fee is often referred to as a fixed price contract, while charging by the hour is often  referred to as time and materials.

In either scenario, it is very important to work  out what your  minimum hourly rate should be. This  way,  you can track  your  progress against this  minimum rate in the case  of a project fee, or know what to charge as an hourly rate.

Cover Yourself with Ad Hoc Loading

Project rates  should be based on a minimum of your  hourly rate multiplied by an estimation of hours involved, plus a loading to cover  any ad hoc issues (which, depending on your  previous experience with the client, you could anticipate to be large or small). This additional loading means that  you will stay within budget more  frequently, allows you to be more  flexible with the occasional micro task or small scope creep, and  helps avoid any issues at project completion.

Now,  there are five steps to determine your  hourly rate.  You do this  by looking at what it actually costs  you to work  per hour. There’s a bit more  to it than you might think …

Step One: Determine Your Overheads

Using  the spreadsheet you have  created, you can  now  determine the annual costs per year, which we’ll use in this calculation. It’s prudent to add a further ten percent to this  total, just to cover  any unforeseen costs.

Step Two: Allocate Your Salary

There are a number of ways to calculate this figure, and you need to take into account your own particular expectations and lifestyle. However, a good yardstick is to look at what you could expect to be paid for doing the same  work  for an employer.

Perhaps you’re already under employment, or have  only  recently left your  job; if so, consider what your salary expectation would be in twelve months’ time, including all taxes  and  employer contributions.

If you don’t have this point of reference, look around a few employment-listing web sites  and  resources, or ask your  peers in the business what they  would consider to be a desirable salary for the work  that  you do.

Weigh  up whether you wish to add  a little more,  to acknowledge that  you’re taking a risk in opting to work  for yourself. This  way,  you really can  create a desirable figure.

Raise Your Rates!

As you would receive salary rises  from time  to time, you need to assess your  bil­ lable  rates  in the same  way—don’t overlook the fact that  as the years  go by, your expertise grows,  and  therefore is worth more  to the client.

Step Three: Decide on a Profit Margin

In all businesses, large and  small, the aim  of the game is profit. Being a freelancer should really be no exception. You’ll want this  margin for those times when cash flow is tight;  moreover, by allowing for this  profit now, you’ll have  some  money saved for hiring staff or expanding the office when your  business grows.

Step Four: Work Out Your Realistic Hours

Let’s imagine for a moment that you could work 40 hours per week, just as a starting point. Theoretically, this  means you have  52 weeks multiplied by 40, which comes to 2,080  hours per year.

Now,  if you were  an employee, you’d likely have  a number of federal or public holidays (roughly 11 in United States, 10 in Australia, and 9 in the United Kingdom). Let’s make  this  10 days  per year  for the sake of the exercise.

Now,  none of us likes  the idea  of being  ill, but it’s an inescapable fact of life; we’ll allow a week off for sickness per year as well.  And of course you realize and respect the importance of achieving work–life balance when freelancing, so you’ll want to allow at least  three weeks of vacation leave  on top of it all.

So we have 52 weeks, minus two weeks for public holidays, one week for sick leave, and  three weeks for holidays. This  calculates to 46 weeks of actual work,  or 1,840 hours if we work  40 hours per week.

It is unrealistic to imagine that  you are able to charge out all 40 hours in a week, if that’s the sum  total  of the time  you spend working. There are a number of un­ chargeable tasks,  such as administration, sales, meetings, travel, lunches, and other duties that  will  crop  up in the best-run business.

A conservative estimate for these duties might reduce your billable hours by a further
25%,  leaving you with 1,380  hours of billable work  per year.

Step Five: Calculate Your Hourly Rate

Armed with the information from the four points before, we can  now  apply the following formula to create your  hourly rate:

Pre-tax hourly rate =
(Annual Overheads + Expected Salary + Profit) / Billable Hours

For example, let’s say we calculated $20,000 in overheads plus $40,000 salary, and we’d like  a 10%  profit margin; we divide $66,000 by 1,380  hours, which equates to $47.83 per hour.

Now that isn’t the end of the equation. We may have a (fairly) scientifically calculated figure,  but what we need to do now  is to compare this  against the range  of rates  in your  local  industry, and  determine whether it is competitive.

For some  people, keeping an hourly rate within a so-called industry standard may not be a concern—perhaps you’re very specialized, or serve  a niche market—but for most  freelancers, it can  make  all the difference to landing those prospects who are shopping around. We all know that  that  deciding on hourly rate alone is a false economy on the part  of the prospect, given  that  the amount of hours one person takes  to complete a task could be five times greater than someone else,  but we also know that  most  clients don’t see it that  way,  especially if they’re unfamiliar with using services such as yours.

Selling Ahead

Consider selling prepaid maintenance (perhaps in five-hour blocks), which is a nice  means of immediate payment, and  is a great way to cover  incidental support requests.

Do some  research into similar freelancers in your  area in order to nail down a range of rates.  Find out from colleagues what they  charge, ask people who  have  used freelancers before, or ask a friend to obtain quotes from your  competitors. Where does  your  rate  fit in?

Is it cheap?
This  is a good situation to be in. You now  have  an opportunity to raise  your hourly rate, and  earn  more income. You don’t want your  hourly rate to be signi­ ficantly less than others, as it may make prospective clients start to wonder why you are so cheap, and  doubt your  abilities.

Don’t Be Cheap

Don’t, whatever you do, try to win work by being the cheapest. This devalues your  work,  does  your  wider industry no favors, and  means you’ll have  a tougher time  convincing clients of your  value when you start  raising your rates.

Many  freelancers undercharge when they  start,  due  to a lack of confidence or because they  haven’t considered all of their outgoings. You are taking this leap because you’re worth it, so don’t cave into that inner demon of self-doubt!

Is it middle of the range?
Well done! This  is the sweet spot—there are freelancers who  charge more  than you,  yet you aren’t in the bargain basement, either. This  is the price area that most  freelancers should really aim  for in their first few years.

Is it higher  than average?
If your  rate  is higher than most,  you need to look at what the factors are. You don’t want to be the cheapest; however, being  the most  expensive may  make life a little tougher, if you’re finding clients resistant to the idea.

Review all of your  figures from above.  Did you exaggerate any overheads too far? Have you added a very large profit percentage? If so, perhaps you need to consider tuning down slightly, to make  your  rate  more  realistic and  attractive.

Many freelancers complain that people new to freelancing attempt to attract clients by offering considerably cheaper rates.  This  practice ends up representing a danger to these newbies rather than the freelancers whom they  undercut, as they’ve very likely failed to consider their overheads sufficiently. The bright side  for seasoned and  reasonably priced freelancers is that  their fresh-faced competitors may  not be freelancing for very long! The unfortunate aspect, however, is that  this  situation can cause other freelancers to panic and  reduce their pricing, thereby creating a spiral towards low costs  and  a resultant reduction in quality.

Don’t get caught up in the same  game—it’s far better to stick  to your  guns  and maintain that  you need to be reasonable in your  charges, so that  you can  assure clients you’ll still  be freelancing in a year  to come.

Also remember that  not all new  clients shop around. In some  situations, it may  be common to find  that  a prospect has had  no other quotes than your  own,  before  they make  a decision in your  favor.  This  will  often  become evident during the sales

Bartering  Your Skills

To increase your  billable hours, consider outsourcing your  low-paying, repetitive tasks  to allow you to focus  more  time  on the more  specialized work  you excel  at. Smarter still,  find  a freelancer with better skills in server administration, and  ar­ range to swap services, such as your legendary proficiency in graphics preparation. They’ll be quicker at their area of expertise, and  vice versa, so both  parties win!


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